Sunday Quino read the letter he wrote in the journal alive and something strange happened to me ...
For Easter I was in my grandparents (they live in the province of San Juan) there are a library with few books and my grandmother insists that I take a book, but as always I will travel the other way and I have to charge I do not get anything, this time I said yes, but you could tell that I only wear one, that one book was "All Mafalda" (it was a of which was eyeing some time ago) these days I was in the studio working, I always try to put something in the window, to a month that the windows were empty, read and read Mafalda, then it occurred to me to use some Quino strip ... Search
and some interest me and started to copy the indelible fiber glass, I began with the texts, was a dialogue between Mafalda y Miguelito, try copying the closest point possible and would begin with the drawings felt I could not (I think Mafalda Miguelito and can only draw it ...) so we were only the texts ...
I think the drawings were waiting until Sunday to tell me they were going on vacation ...