Sunday, December 21, 2008
Dailymotion Milena Velba Stockings
FULL WINTER WORKSHOP OPENS THE DOOR SPRING-again love-new information (CHANGE OF DATE-22, 23 AND 24 MAY) Workshop Stream "the gates of love"
Workshop Stream: "the gates of love" Luis safe
2008-2009 Edition " the doors of love "is an interdisciplinary work of self-therapeutic purposes, in what is called personal growth courses. This idea came a year ago the accumulation of various concerns, training and steps in my personal journey. Repetition of the same workshop monograph had been carrying out since 1999 under various names: erotic growth, rebirth of the senses, and experience with other short workshops (5 hours in the 14-center center of Alicante and other youth groups): "Dance-emotion-massage", "cuddle therapy", "Kiss therapy "," hug "therapy," "Tantra of the skin", "sensory massage," "art of seduction", "erotik-therapy." In 2007 I created a 2 nd level residential workshop weekend with the name of "way of meeting" and giving such a course came a frame in which to integrate some basic tools to live life and enjoy it on four major cornerstones:
• How do I build my confidence? What prevents me leave me?
• Do I cling to fear and why? And build my confidence?
• How do I relate myself with the world and with others?
• Do you enjoy life? Where my attention and I perceive?
Do you know that feeling of loneliness that bites the depths of the soul?, A common feeling in both newly separated persons and in those who are in couples, it is something deeper than simply living with someone or not. Do you often feel anxiety and discouragement?, Do you feel tired and noted his desire to live severely reduced?.
When I say open the door to love, I do not mean a mere feeling, which, like the waves come and go, it is not obliged to hold passionately, or an attraction than just satisfying.
LOVE in capital letters is "a state of consciousness" in which deep opens and reveals a maturity of the soul that emerges from "needs" and "dependencies" (slavery) and connects with a soft inner state. It is "a state of sustained attention" that wakes up living the present, contemplating the beauty and allowing embracing compassion emerge.
No age for love, all are suitable to warm the heart and be in communion with life. In addition, all humans can learn and enjoy all offer unexpected parts of grandeur and shadows, and behind every "casual" situation, love lurks.
Open to life and find your keys, your answers, your certainties.
Key-issues I have associated with the future of life in its cyclical stations, which remind us every year four movements:
• let go (fall) of the useless-TRUST
• Protect (winter) of the harmful- CEDER
• Crearte (spring) from you to others and the world-CREATE
• enjoy you (Summer) and life-ENJOY extasiarte With an experiential format associated with the phase-seasons and own life journey, came "the gates of love", having "the body" as magmatic center where to find the certainties, the core the real center of self, and "5 Senses" as a vehicle with which to move towards these certainties coveted.
The doors of love is a series of 4 workshops weekend (4 º-summer intensive 4 days) that are organized according to an evolving structure, such as phases of development of nature: release, rest, grow, fullness , and 4 large doors that open to love, love for one / to the same home, nature, others, life as a whole, four-door show you four ways: "Way of sensuality," "path of transformation," "way to meet" and "path of ecstasy." This route is a miracle: the way out of narcissism and the empathic journey to the soul of others, a type of tourism full of grandeur that repairs our narrowness and dissolves the remains of our miseries. Thus we become aware of how we show and how we falsify, to ourselves and face the world, and when consciousness arrives we play with our masks, to recognize the limitations and find the potential lost check out the very nature push us to learn to play and laugh to make it creative neurosis and put "on our side."
The doors of love can be experienced as an intense and profound therapeutic level, a space for awareness, and is pleasant and liberating, and as a way to interact and share from the authenticity, or as a place of stop and encounter with oneself and also as an opportunity to interact, play and create with others, or simply as a rest and stopover. Like everything else, depends on one's choice.
is an appropriate space for people already in the therapeutic process and want to deepen it at group through movement and body, for those who want to develop their creativity, looking inward, to who is going through a particular conflict or personal crisis can here give form, expression, sharing with a group for those who are experiencing a phase locking in their creative processes, for anyone who is looking to continue learning more and feel a desire to do so from the senses and the relationship with a group.
Like all the work I do, I do out of respect to the process of each, in a close and sincere support, in which there is opportunity to open the unfinished business that needs to be expressed, experienced and accepted, but be careful also provide a proper closure of the processes that are open, so that everyone can organize internally and find the best way to establish what is experienced and take it with rest of your day to day.
The doors of love is a format that is growing and changing the rate at which I also grow and change, and I will present for the 2008-9 as follows: ________________________________________
Workshops 2008-9 edition Personal Development
The doors of love is a seasonal adventure, where each door opens or gives access to the next, a trip -life-and-goal love. A journey of exploration into the search for authentic Self, a map and a box of tools to dive into the endless possibilities of expression of love. A laboratory where you can experience (as Diana Navarro says in his "litany "): • Stroking my sadness
• Balm of my pain
• Power • Lucero
wisdom of my morning
• Health of my illness
• Spring my joy
• Consuelo from my mistakes
• Cup of my reality
• Tower • Pulse
my courage in my heart
• Cry of my rebellion
• Wind • Anger
my fantasy of my freedom
• Angel of my loneliness
• My mother, my mare.
The doors of love is also an open space of freedom and play, to create from the joy of life and the permission to be who I am, a meeting place, relationship and group communication, where I find myself and reinvent me in contact with others.
emptiness of not need-bias, self-demanding, fear, ghosts, I can go ..- completing the internal voids (forgotten or denied parts of me) and access my creativity and growth potential of life.
In The gates of love working with the union of physical and emotional levels-mental-spiritual-experience focus on process, emotion as raw material and body work as a tool. Humanistic and interdisciplinary approach encompassing Gestalt techniques, tantra, dance experiential, Arts, Dance, Contact, dance-theater, bioenergetics and meditation. Each module
delve into a "key", linked to a body's energy center or chakra, and with different materials, seeking personal path of each. Workshop
.. Key ... ... ... ... Center (chakra) material way autumn
Trust / neglect under collage of sensuality
Winter Safety / half paint assertiveness transformation Spring
Love / emotional heart of the encounter movement
summer Creativity and Sexuality Laryngeal and sacrum / lumbar Clay / Sculpture From Ecstasy
is a complete cycle of 4 workshops, modules weekend, the last one intensive residential summer-end of the cycle of four consecutive days in July in Lezuza (Albacete). shall be possible to make this module or just the weekend (who / that do not have as days) or continue for two more days. (dates to be concrete in July).
First workshop: Fridays at 19 pm, finishes: Sundays with food
The Summer Intensive same to lunch on Tuesday. ________________________________________
For registration and information contact Luis secure directory, Tel: 619959196
Mail: Web: www. and
(NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY) ________________________________________
INVESTMENT AND PAYMENT winter and spring workshop: 110 € (current)-which are paid to make seat reservations
+ 100 euros (payable at the house at the beginning of the workshop) in respect of residence, two days full board (bed-Friday and Saturday, dinner-Friday and Saturday, lunch, Saturday and Sunday, breakfast Saturday and Sunday; infusions at rest, and work room)
The Summer Intensive (4 days) is to specify dates (17,18,19,20 and 21 may July)
RESERVATION: by order of payment by entering 110 euros (before each workshop) in the account no: 0128 0638 18 0100010023 (Bankinter) - before you do consult tel: 619 959 196 the availability of places. On behalf of Luis Segura (indicate name of the person who registers as a concept shop and fall, winter, spring or summer or full). Once the income send mail, and it will confirm plaza. For the intensive
reserving the amount to 220 eur is entering into the same account no
MODULES AND DATES: Fall (already done), winter (27,28 February and March 1, 2009, already done), spring (22,23 and 24 May 1909. and intensive summer (for concrete dates)
PLACE: the winter and spring workshop will be held in (Gilet-valencia) entering this site have all the information (the place is wonderful), the Summer Intensive will be in "factory light" - in Lezuza (Albacete) a space-farm with charm.
Fall Workshop: "Way of sensuality" (28,29 and 30 November 2008) afford to trust and surrender to the pleasures of the senses, awaken the senses. Contents work: Abandoned-TRUST-SELF-AWARENESS, SELF-ACCEPTANCE, DETACHMENT, sensual.
In sexuality, breathing plays an essential role as the emotional system is closely related to it. Any blockage in the form of conditioning, fear, anxiety, shame, etc. Produces a contraction of the diaphragm and therefore in the respiratory system. This contraction is only waiting an amount of energy flow. When these barriers free breathing, produces a great comfort and clarity; there is only pure energy circulating through the body, creating waves of pleasure, is the duality (shiva-shakti) celebrating the dance of ecstasy. In this dance, they both disappear, leaving only emptiness, your eternal essence.
Tantra says yes to life. There is a belief or a faith but a way of life, experience and feel, accepting the present moment, as if he had chosen deliberately. In this way pleasure is celebrated rather than repressed. It's a way to learn to open up, develop and refine your senses.
This has been done, 23 people we are opening the 1st door on a rainy and cold and fruitful weekend.
Winter Workshop: "way transformation "(New dates: 27.28 February, 1 March) Afford rid of fears and blockages of the heart-awakening .. Contents work: SILENCE-LA SOLEDAD-certainties-ORDER RELEASE OF GRANT-locks.
Fear as instinctive process is natural, you know that fire burns, you learned in the past and is still useful in the present. The psychological fear is something very different, it has to do with a real or immediate danger, and is manifested in the body through emotional states as anxiety, shyness, nervousness, tension, worry, shame, etc.
It is only a mental projection into the future, based, usually negative past experiences.
In this group, which will open doors and self-acceptance, we will explore how the emotional wounds of the past and the ghosts of our mind ("dung mental" or psychological fear) continue to have a negative and unconscious in our lives, thus limiting the energy, joy, vitality and creativity that only you can feel when you learn to live the present moment, the here and now.
Spring Workshop: "way of meeting" (22,23 and 24 May 1909) Allowing open to personal relationships, arouse desire and seduction.
Content to work: the search for allies-ASK-TO RECOGNIZE MY LIFE NEEDS AND DESIRES OF LIFE transmuted.
Whenever we go on opening doors, you go connecting with your inner lover, your best friend, and you will never find yourself alone, because if you feel the strength and love within you. What will not be vulnerable and dependent on your relationships, but you can bring that love and overflowing, r elations find out creative and balanced, you communicate better, solutions to potential conflicts effectively and more enjoyment of your relationships.
Summer Workshop (5 day intensive): "path of bliss" (to specify, in July, from Friday to Tuesday) Afford connect with the magic of life-awakening to love magic. Contents
Tantra The revolution is not in their interest in sex because they are also interested in sex most perverted minds and devoid of love. His greatest contribution is that heals you that this schism between spirit and matter that we have educated. You do not have to give up heaven to enjoy the earth no longer have to give spiritual being to enjoy your body and tantric sex because he says: all that is part of nature deserves to be respected, whatever is natural sense because the whole life is sacred. Sexuality total, full and sacred face of a hypocritical morality which condemned the sex of the dark and decadent hedonism against exalting sex throwaway consumerism, full of boredom and emptiness. I want you to realize the wonderful tool you have, the great gift that was given you-your body-and we feel divine @'re proud of him, and his capacity for joy. Enjoy your body, their nudity, the caress of the air, to enjoy the beauty and sensitivity of every inch of your skin, you learn to feel, to touch, love and care of your body, as a first step enjoy the other. (Pedro francisco torres-school love)
Taught by Luis Segura. clinical psychologist, therapist and sexologist formed in Madrid Amezua Efigenio-master specialist in sexology and sex education trainer. I learned a dance theater with Giuseppe Stella, dance and dance-existential stillness with Victor Orive, Elena Sociats family constellations, theater of the senses with the group of the same name in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bClow-cabaret with Lluna Albert, Tantra Francisco towers ARUN Anondubha touch-conscious and Anasha, ATM (anatomy for movement), healing with Carmen pigeon ancestors. I have also learned from Fina Sanz, Javier Alman, and various massage techniques, relaxation and meditation. He taught as professor associate at the University of Alicante in different subjects and now works as a teacher in a subject of free choice: "men and women in emotional communication." currently carrying my work in sexual health unit and reproductive Raspeig San Vicente (Alicante )-Consellería sanitat-and chair a professional association of sexology in Alicante-AFOSEX-developing an agreement with the youth council of the municipality in the center 14, where I see an advice-counseling for youth and conducted workshops referred to above . I am excited to investigate and experience everything and hide the body says to heart.
Thanks: To all those people with whom I shared my path.
To those who have left me or I quit.
To those who loved me and I did not know love, and yes I could.
Those who understood me and who is not.
Those who disappointed and disappointed me.
Those who lost and I lost.
In the mountains, show me where no one sees me in my solitude.
to so many souls and bodies shared in workshops and received.
to so many teachers / years of life that have helped me to walk and get here, and to show as an agent of life, and especially by Date
A pedro francisco towers (School of Love), by sweet wisdom, help me regain the passion for life and show me the path of spirituality in sexuality.
Víctor Orive (voa), for giving me tools to release guilt, and feel the honor of my essence, feel free to be, with its existential dance. Elena Sociats
, healing wounds.
wonderful creative team at the theater of the senses-barcelona. For the clowns
Alicante - Arantxa, carmen, rafa, cecilia and Dove (among others) to show the beauty of the nose. Manuel Silva-
A fabulous singer-songwriter, who unfortunately is no longer with us and with his lyrics and music accompanied me on a crucial moment in my life and now Homage showing it in my workshops. My companions
/ or professional association of sexology-AFOSEX Alicante.
A agraz carmen, big heart
My partner-pigeon for their patience and more. My mother
(Mireya Vicente Ramon)-who bore me life and gave me a love of life, and still lingers in me despite its early start, and my father (Luis Segura saint) that shows me and supports ever, in my walk ..
And especially to my daughters, Andrea and Irene, my source of merger with the beauty of life.
If you visit my blog: www.http.
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