2010 - THANK
another space-time passing-year-as usual, only 364 days ago, that we which was yesterday, I was meditating me how much I had given their lives in those 365 days (2009) and now in the final meditation morning in 2010, and I realize how huge share-lucky I am.
so I want to end the year giving you THANKS TO ALL / AS, who are in this forum and those who do not wet me this morning are great camera images of the heart emotionally, this camera does not lie , and that remains etched forever, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TRACKS RECORDED IN EMOTIONAL LIFE WIDE. Thank you for making Photic WITH THE FLASH OF MY BEAT, THANK YOU THAT THE REEL (life) sige offering me opportunities for SER. ACCOUNTS TO HAVE COME TO CALL THIS SPACE-TIME LIFE THAT: LOOK, LEARN, ENJOY, GROW, LOVE ...... AND COMING HOME.
Thanks also to
Those who have left me or I quit.
To those who loved me and I did not know love, and yes I could.
Those who understood me and who is not.
Those who disappointed and disappointed me.
Those who lost and I lost.
In the mountains, show me where no one sees me in my solitude.
to so many souls and bodies shared in workshops and received.
to so many teachers / years of life that have helped me to walk and get here, and to show as an agent of life,
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Is Clorophil Ok For Pregnant Women ?
time ago, I saw a video that struck me mucho.Tanto I started to wonder things like why go so fast? Could one day stop time? Well, let's get .
During the 10 years of the life of the little Natalie, her father, a citizen of Britain, was making pictures every day of your life to make a gift: his whole life in 1 minute and 25 seconds. Is not a detail beautiful? Here the video:
Monday, December 27, 2010
Does Mission Bay, San Diego Have Any Sharks?
The 10 secrets of abundant love
A modern parable of wisdom and love that will change your life, says: there is no greater mistake than be cynical about love. When you reach the end of your life, all that will be the love you gave and you received. In your journey to another world, the only thing you take with you is love, and the only thing of value to leave behind is also love.
Therefore love is the best gift. Gives meaning to life and leads to the desire to live it with passion. Love is a very rare flower. It is not just something that occurs in an encounter between two people. That's what most believe, but we confuse with love. We die thinking we loved a lifetime without ever really loved. However, love is a gift for which we all have talent. Something we created that in turn creates us, but you really have to love to be in your heart, and if the other is also at its center, then there is what is called love. Love means understanding more and more deeply. We need to move yourself for a big change for a real revolution, because when you fall you are born as a new person. Need to know the other inside (its nature, spirit, soul), and respect, yes, but you must let the other know you, and for that must be very brave and expose, to become vulnerable remain in evidence, strip us of all the layers that surround us, get in your hands, blind ... And this can be dangerous and very painful so you have to be very brave to Love . There are things that can not be seen with the eyes. In essence love can only be seen with the heart.
all have the power to love and love us, the ability to create relationships in our lives. So it is so sad that people choose to live without love, love only their fears. Love is always available to everyone, but we must surrender to it. Relationships do not provide the love, we make love in the relationship when we feel inside. If we are loving it because the abundant love in our hearts. If you want true love you give up your fears and be willing to not miss opportunities. As Osho says, "the person who lives oriented toward love, is someone who does not fear the future, not afraid of who is at his side, that opens, set out, which provides ... Do not be afraid of outcome or consequences. " To love means to live in the present, the here and now.
To do this you must know the ten secrets of abundant love . These are:
The power of thought. Love begins with thought. We become what we think. Thoughts create loving experiences and loving relationships. The sincere and positive attitude change our beliefs, feelings and thoughts about ourselves and others. If you love someone, you should consider your needs and desires. Think of your ideal partner will help you recognize when you come into your life. But it all starts with yourself and learn to love you every day, to be happy in solitude, to take care. When you're sure, when you feel full of positive qualities, you can share with the person you love, never before.
The power of respect. You can not love anyone unless you first respect them. The first person who deserves your respect you. To regain the respect for you same ask yourself: what I respect about myself?. To respect others, even people you dislike, ask yourself: what respect about them?. Remember that you may dislike you reflect unconscious things you dislike. Therefore, do not try to change anyone, dress yourself. A Chinese proverb says, before heading out to save the world three times to give your own home.
power delivery. To receive love, all you have to do is give it!. The more love you provide, the more you will receive. Love is surrender voluntarily and unconditionally. Practice random acts of kindness. When you commit to a relationship, ask not what the other person can give, but what you can give them. The secret formula of a loving, healthy, happy and lasting always focus on what you can offer rather than what you get. As the Master Jesus: love your neighbor as yourself. That message, and no other, is what makes us true Christians to be real people and live an authentic life. Do not be fooled by anyone's love is priceless!
The power of friendship . To find true love, you must first find a true friend. Love does not consist in gazing at each other's eyes, but in looking together in the same direction. Truly love someone is to accept it that is, not for what he has or by his physical appearance. Friendship is the land where the seed of love grows. If you want to pick up love in a relationship, you must first sow friendship.
The power of physical contact . The physical contact modify one of the most powerful expressions of love, breaking down barriers and builds bridges between people. Physical contact alters our body and emotional state and makes us more receptive to love when the intimacy grows, we can deepen our partner. Physical contact helps the body heal, and softens the heart. When you open your arms, you're opening your heart, you're open to life. Sex only true, rewarding and sincere when love is complete.
The power of detachment. If you love something set it free, do not be possessive. If it becomes yours, if you do not, never was. Even within a relationship, the person needs their own space. If we learn to love, we must first learn to live alone, we must learn to forgive, to heal our wounds, to release the suffering of the past. Each relationship is unique. Each new relationship recreates you, makes you a different person to open up a new world, the other. Therefore, not chain your present to your past. Love means letting go of our prejudices, attachments, ego and conditioning. Today I leave behind all my fears, the past has no power over me today is the beginning of a new life. As the Tantra: every day we learn to die and be reborn.
The power of communication . When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, life changes. To love someone is to establish a direct communication channel with it. Let the people you love know you love them, appreciate that. Do not be afraid to say the magic words: I love you. Do not miss this opportunity to compliment someone. Always leave someone with loving words, may be the last time you see that person. Even when you love things you do not like, let him know, not repress anything, do not make a molehill a mountain, but tell it with love and consideration, find the right words that do not hurt but help to rectify the mistakes and improve. Always do with love, for love transforms hate destroys what you love and guilt destroys you. If you were about to die and you could call someone, who do you call?, What would you say? What are you waiting for it?.
The power of commitment. If you want love in abundance, you must achieve this commitment, a commitment that is reflected in your actions and your thoughts. Commitment is the true test of love is present. No plans or calculations, do not test, look no results, do not get to safety. If you have a relationship with love, you must be committed to the relationship you want. When you are committed, quitting is never an option. Commitment distinguishes a fragile relationship from a solid. But the compromise is not signing papers, the real commitment is to be clear that the love that does not feed every day, is lost each day like a flower that does not water it every day wither and die.
The power of passion . Passion is the flame that ignites love and keeps it alive. Lasting passion does not come exclusively from physical attraction, but originates in-depth knowledge, commitment to strong and brave, unwavering enthusiasm, the sincere interest and unconditional surrender, the fascination with another person ... The passion is rekindled recreating experiences where there is passion. Spontaneity and surprises produce passion. Love and happiness are the very essence, all we need do is live each day with passion. The passion we live when we live the moment. Do not scatter, stays here, just that, and works fully.
The power of trust . Trust is essential to establish a relationship with love. If a partner is blinded by suspicion, anxiety and fear, the other person feels trapped and emotionally suffocated. You can not love unless you trust completely. Acts as if love would never end. One way of knowing if that person is right for you is wondering: Do I trust fully and without reservation? If the answer is no, ponder carefully before committing more, there is something wrong ...
A modern parable of wisdom and love that will change your life, says: there is no greater mistake than be cynical about love. When you reach the end of your life, all that will be the love you gave and you received. In your journey to another world, the only thing you take with you is love, and the only thing of value to leave behind is also love.
Therefore love is the best gift. Gives meaning to life and leads to the desire to live it with passion. Love is a very rare flower. It is not just something that occurs in an encounter between two people. That's what most believe, but we confuse with love. We die thinking we loved a lifetime without ever really loved. However, love is a gift for which we all have talent. Something we created that in turn creates us, but you really have to love to be in your heart, and if the other is also at its center, then there is what is called love. Love means understanding more and more deeply. We need to move yourself for a big change for a real revolution, because when you fall you are born as a new person. Need to know the other inside (its nature, spirit, soul), and respect, yes, but you must let the other know you, and for that must be very brave and expose, to become vulnerable remain in evidence, strip us of all the layers that surround us, get in your hands, blind ... And this can be dangerous and very painful so you have to be very brave to Love . There are things that can not be seen with the eyes. In essence love can only be seen with the heart.
all have the power to love and love us, the ability to create relationships in our lives. So it is so sad that people choose to live without love, love only their fears. Love is always available to everyone, but we must surrender to it. Relationships do not provide the love, we make love in the relationship when we feel inside. If we are loving it because the abundant love in our hearts. If you want true love you give up your fears and be willing to not miss opportunities. As Osho says, "the person who lives oriented toward love, is someone who does not fear the future, not afraid of who is at his side, that opens, set out, which provides ... Do not be afraid of outcome or consequences. " To love means to live in the present, the here and now.
To do this you must know the ten secrets of abundant love . These are:
The power of thought. Love begins with thought. We become what we think. Thoughts create loving experiences and loving relationships. The sincere and positive attitude change our beliefs, feelings and thoughts about ourselves and others. If you love someone, you should consider your needs and desires. Think of your ideal partner will help you recognize when you come into your life. But it all starts with yourself and learn to love you every day, to be happy in solitude, to take care. When you're sure, when you feel full of positive qualities, you can share with the person you love, never before.
The power of respect. You can not love anyone unless you first respect them. The first person who deserves your respect you. To regain the respect for you same ask yourself: what I respect about myself?. To respect others, even people you dislike, ask yourself: what respect about them?. Remember that you may dislike you reflect unconscious things you dislike. Therefore, do not try to change anyone, dress yourself. A Chinese proverb says, before heading out to save the world three times to give your own home.
power delivery. To receive love, all you have to do is give it!. The more love you provide, the more you will receive. Love is surrender voluntarily and unconditionally. Practice random acts of kindness. When you commit to a relationship, ask not what the other person can give, but what you can give them. The secret formula of a loving, healthy, happy and lasting always focus on what you can offer rather than what you get. As the Master Jesus: love your neighbor as yourself. That message, and no other, is what makes us true Christians to be real people and live an authentic life. Do not be fooled by anyone's love is priceless!
The power of friendship . To find true love, you must first find a true friend. Love does not consist in gazing at each other's eyes, but in looking together in the same direction. Truly love someone is to accept it that is, not for what he has or by his physical appearance. Friendship is the land where the seed of love grows. If you want to pick up love in a relationship, you must first sow friendship.
The power of physical contact . The physical contact modify one of the most powerful expressions of love, breaking down barriers and builds bridges between people. Physical contact alters our body and emotional state and makes us more receptive to love when the intimacy grows, we can deepen our partner. Physical contact helps the body heal, and softens the heart. When you open your arms, you're opening your heart, you're open to life. Sex only true, rewarding and sincere when love is complete.
The power of detachment. If you love something set it free, do not be possessive. If it becomes yours, if you do not, never was. Even within a relationship, the person needs their own space. If we learn to love, we must first learn to live alone, we must learn to forgive, to heal our wounds, to release the suffering of the past. Each relationship is unique. Each new relationship recreates you, makes you a different person to open up a new world, the other. Therefore, not chain your present to your past. Love means letting go of our prejudices, attachments, ego and conditioning. Today I leave behind all my fears, the past has no power over me today is the beginning of a new life. As the Tantra: every day we learn to die and be reborn.
The power of communication . When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, life changes. To love someone is to establish a direct communication channel with it. Let the people you love know you love them, appreciate that. Do not be afraid to say the magic words: I love you. Do not miss this opportunity to compliment someone. Always leave someone with loving words, may be the last time you see that person. Even when you love things you do not like, let him know, not repress anything, do not make a molehill a mountain, but tell it with love and consideration, find the right words that do not hurt but help to rectify the mistakes and improve. Always do with love, for love transforms hate destroys what you love and guilt destroys you. If you were about to die and you could call someone, who do you call?, What would you say? What are you waiting for it?.
The power of commitment. If you want love in abundance, you must achieve this commitment, a commitment that is reflected in your actions and your thoughts. Commitment is the true test of love is present. No plans or calculations, do not test, look no results, do not get to safety. If you have a relationship with love, you must be committed to the relationship you want. When you are committed, quitting is never an option. Commitment distinguishes a fragile relationship from a solid. But the compromise is not signing papers, the real commitment is to be clear that the love that does not feed every day, is lost each day like a flower that does not water it every day wither and die.
The power of passion . Passion is the flame that ignites love and keeps it alive. Lasting passion does not come exclusively from physical attraction, but originates in-depth knowledge, commitment to strong and brave, unwavering enthusiasm, the sincere interest and unconditional surrender, the fascination with another person ... The passion is rekindled recreating experiences where there is passion. Spontaneity and surprises produce passion. Love and happiness are the very essence, all we need do is live each day with passion. The passion we live when we live the moment. Do not scatter, stays here, just that, and works fully.
The power of trust . Trust is essential to establish a relationship with love. If a partner is blinded by suspicion, anxiety and fear, the other person feels trapped and emotionally suffocated. You can not love unless you trust completely. Acts as if love would never end. One way of knowing if that person is right for you is wondering: Do I trust fully and without reservation? If the answer is no, ponder carefully before committing more, there is something wrong ...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Purple And Red Dots On Thigh
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Mobile Compatible Gay
MashUp Curious me!
What happens if you mix two songs completely different? For this: A better MASHUP.Lo encontrar.Mejor you that one of your songs favoritas.Sino all! Here's an example:
What happens if you mix two songs completely different? For this: A better MASHUP.Lo encontrar.Mejor you that one of your songs favoritas.Sino all! Here's an example:
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Brain Tumors And Hemocromotosis
New book - Novel of Suspense, Intrigue and Mystery
Hi, I finished a novel of suspense, intrigue, a cross between Seven and The Sixth Sense. Will published in a couple of months. Title is "The man with the pipe."
Hi, I finished a novel of suspense, intrigue, a cross between Seven and The Sixth Sense. Will published in a couple of months. Title is "The man with the pipe."
Monday, November 29, 2010
How To Make Flowers On A Calculator
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Pitchpoling - Frank Stella
have 4 final berths fall's workshop from 10 to 3.4 and 5 December 2010
ANYONE DANCE-FALL IN LOVE DOORS 3.4 and 5 DIC, 4''ARE LATEST PLAZASde Luis Segura, Friday, November 12 , 2010 at 9:22
Fall to dance inside and outside
Station invites
smell, perfume. the taste and the song of life.
The Gathering, the look breathe in and
The airways are the protagonists of this season. When inspired oxygen
renew blood
whereas if we retain the carbon dioxide from the old experience, reminds us that we round and round past situations with sadness and nostalgia: no experience exhale completely, we retain the old sentences and do not allow air to regenerate new life.
According to Michel Odoul "The lung fragildad expresses the difficulty that one has to deal with situations outside world."
therefore invites autumn breathing, oxygenation and renewal.
If we allow the leaves fall, we are allowing
ANYONE DANCE-FALL IN LOVE DOORS 3.4 and 5 DIC, 4''ARE LATEST PLAZASde Luis Segura, Friday, November 12 , 2010 at 9:22
Fall to dance inside and outside
Station invites
smell, perfume. the taste and the song of life.
The Gathering, the look breathe in and
The airways are the protagonists of this season. When inspired oxygen
renew blood
whereas if we retain the carbon dioxide from the old experience, reminds us that we round and round past situations with sadness and nostalgia: no experience exhale completely, we retain the old sentences and do not allow air to regenerate new life.
According to Michel Odoul "The lung fragildad expresses the difficulty that one has to deal with situations outside world."
therefore invites autumn breathing, oxygenation and renewal.
If we allow the leaves fall, we are allowing
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Does Sugar Effect Your Period
Sorry ... Flo Rida
Well, after a long and unexpected disappearance vuelto.He've been busy with exams beginning of the course, etc.Bueno, today I am wanting to get beat . I hope that you continue reading. ^ _ ^
Well, after a long and unexpected disappearance vuelto.He've been busy with exams beginning of the course, etc.Bueno, today I am wanting to get beat . I hope that you continue reading. ^ _ ^
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Polymyxin Sulfa Allergy In Dogs
3rd series of workshops "the gates of love," the door of autumn in 3.4 and 5 December Lezuza-ALBACETE
3rd Workshop Stream: "the gates of love"
Luis safe
2010-11 Edition "gates of love" is an interdisciplinary work with a purpose therapeutic self-discovery, in what is called personal growth courses. This idea came several years of accumulation of various concerns, training and steps in my personal journey. Repetition of the same workshop monograph had been carrying out since 1999 under various names erotic growth, rebirth of the senses I and II, and experience with other short workshops (5 hours in the 14-center center of Alicante and other youth groups): "Dance-emotion-massage" "cuddle therapy", "kiss-therapy," "hug therapy", "skin Tantra," "sensory massage," "art of seduction", "erotik-therapy." In 2007 I created a 2 nd level residential workshop weekend with the name of "way of meeting" and giving such a course came a frame in which to integrate some basic tools to live life and enjoy on four major cornerstones:
• How do I build my confidence? what prevents me leave me? (Fall)
• Do I cling to fear and why? and build my confidence? (winter)
• How do I deal with me same, with the world and with others? (spring)
• Do you enjoy life? where my attention and I perceive? (Summer)
Do you know that feeling of loneliness that bites the bowels of the soul?, a common feeling in both newly separated persons and in those who are in couples, it is something deeper than simply living with someone or not. Do you often anxiety and discouragement?, do you feel tired and observed diminished will to live?
When I say open the door to love, I do not mean a mere feeling, which, like the waves come and go, it is not obliged to hold passionately, or an attraction than just satisfying.
LOVE in capital letters is "a state of consciousness" in which deep opens and reveals a maturity of the soul that emerges from "needs" and "dependencies" (slavery) and connects with a soft inner state. It is "a state of sustained attention" that wakes up living the present, contemplating the beauty and compassion emerge allowing it embraces.
No age for love, all are suitable to warm the heart and be in communion with life. In addition, all humans can learn and enjoy all offer unexpected parts of grandeur and shadows, and behind every "casual" situation, love lurks.
Open to life and find your keys, your answers, your certainties.
Key-issues I have associated with the future of life in its cyclical seasons, reminding us every year four movements:
• let go (fall) of the useless-TRUST
• Protect (winter) of the harmful-YIELD
• Crearte (spring) from you with others and the world-CREATE
• enjoy you (summer) and life-ENJOY extasiarte
With a format and associated experiential phases, seasons and own life journey, came "the gates of love" having "the body" as magmatic center where to find the certainties, the core, the real center of self, and "5 Senses" as a vehicle to move towards those who longed certainties.
The doors of love is a series of 4 workshops weekend (4 º-summer intensive 4 days) that are organized according to an evolving structure, such as phases of development of nature: drop (fall), rest ( winter) , Growth (spring), full-harvest (summer) and 4 large doors that open to love, love for one / to the same home, nature, others, life as a whole, four-door show you four ways: "Way of sensuality," "path of transformation," "way to meet" and "path of ecstasy." This route is a miracle: the way out of narcissism and the empathic journey to the soul of others, a type of tourism full of grandeur that repairs our narrowness and dissolves the remains of our miseries. Thus we become aware of how we show and how we falsify, to ourselves and face the world and when conscience comes we can play with our masks, to recognize the limitations and find the lost potential, check out the very nature push us to learn to play and laugh of neurosis to get creative and make "our side."
The doors of love can be experienced as an intense and profound therapeutic level, a space for awareness, and is pleasant and liberating, and as a way to interact and share from the authenticity, or as a place of stop and encounter with oneself and also as an opportunity to interact, play and create with others, or simply as a rest and stopover. Like everything else, depends on choice.
is an appropriate space for people already in the therapeutic process and want to deepen the group level through movement and body, for those who want to develop their creativity, looking inward, to who is going through a particular conflict or personal crisis be here to give form, expression, sharing with a group for those who are going through a phase lock in their creative processes, for anyone who is looking to continue learning more and feel a desire to do so from the senses and the relationship with a group.
Like all the work I do, I do out of respect to the process of each, in an accompanying close and sincere, in which there is opportunity to open the unfinished business that needs to be expressed, experienced and accepted, but also taking care to provide proper closure of the processes that are open, so that everyone can organize internally and find the way to develop and bring life experiences to rest his day.
The doors of love is a format that is growing and changing the rate at which I also grow and change, and I will submit for 2010-11 as follows: ________________________________________
2010-11 edition Personal Development Workshops
The doors of love is a seasonal adventure, where each door opens or gives access to the next, a trip-life-and goal-love. A journey of exploration into the search for authentic Self, a map and a toolbox to dive into the endless possibilities of expression of love. A laboratory where you can experience (as Diana Navarro said in his "litany"): • Stroking my sadness
• Balm of my pain
• Power • Lucero
wisdom of my morning
• Health of my illness my
• Spring • Consuelo
joy from my mistakes
• Cup of my reality
• Tower • Pulse
my courage in my heart
• Shout my rebellion
• Wind • Anger
my fantasy of my freedom
• Angel of my loneliness
• My mother, my mare.
The doors of love is also an open space of freedom and play, to create from the joy of life and the permission to be who I am, a meeting place, relationship and group communication, where I find myself and reinvent me in contact with others.
emptiness of not need-bias, self-demanding, fear, ghosts, I can go ..- completing the internal voids (forgotten or denied parts of me) and access my creativity and growth potential of life.
In The Door love working with the union of physical and emotional levels-mental-spiritual attention to the process-experience the emotion as raw material and body work as a tool. Humanistic and interdisciplinary approach encompassing Gestalt techniques, tantra, dance experiential, Arts, Dance, Contact, dance-theater, bioenergetics and meditation. Each module
delve into a "key", linked to a body's energy center or chakra, and with different materials, seeking personal path of each. Workshop
.. Key ... ... ... ... Center (chakra) material way autumn
Trust / neglect under collage of sensuality
Winter Safety / half paint assertiveness
transformation Spring Love / emotional heart of the encounter movement
Summer Creativity / sexuality and sacro-lumbar Laryngeal Clay / Sculpture From Ecstasy
Time and place: they are independent and connected four games developed in an area of \u200b\u200bgreat beauty and quiet (farm "factory of light" in Lezuza-ALBACETE), on weekends. One by season
- Friday from 19 to 22 h
- Saturday from 10 to 15 h. and from 16 to 22h.
- Sunday 10 to 15h. The Summer Intensive will run one or two days.
Workshop Autumn: "way of sensuality" dates: 3,4 and 5 December 2010
Winter Workshop: "Way of Transformation" dates to be determined, in March 2011
(be notified two months in advance).
Spring Workshop: "way of meeting" dates to be announced "in May or June 2011
(be notified two months in advance).
Summer Workshop: "path of bliss" dates to be determined, in August 2011
(be notified two months in advance).
for courses: 100 euros
paid when you reserve a place: in strict order of payment entering 100 euros (before each workshop) in the account no: 0128 0638 18 0100010023 (Bankinter) - before you do consult tel: 619959196 the availability of places. (Note the name of the person who registers to make the deposit)
Discounts: couples, who have done a workshop before, standing / as-consult tel.
IN CONCEPT OF RESIDENCE (payment is made at home): 92 euros (46 per day) 2 days full board (from dinner Friday to Sunday lunch) and workspaces. Sheets are not included.
Note: those who made the four modules, workshops, a discount of 50 euros will be deducted from the reservation fee summer workshop.
The total investment in each workshop will be
• Fall:
• Winter 192 euros: 192 euros
• Spring • Summer
192 euros (4 days): 283 euros
________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION: For registration and information
direct contact with Luis secure, Tel: 619959196
afosexluis@gmail.com Web: www. luiseguraterapeuta.blogspot.com and afosex.blogspot.com
FACILITATOR: Luis Segura. Clinical Psychologist therapist and sexologist formed in Madrid Amezua Efigenio-master specialist in sexology and sex education trainer. I learned a dance theater with Giuseppe Stella, dance and dance-existential stillness with Victor Orive, Elena Sociats family constellations, theater of the senses with the group of the same name in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bClow-cabaret with Lluna Albert, Tantra Francisco towers ARUN Anondubha touch-conscious and Anasha, ATM (anatomy for movement), healing with Carmen pigeon ancestors. I have also learned from Fina Sanz, Javier Alman, and various massage techniques, relaxation and meditation. He taught as associate professor at the University of Alicante in different subjects and now works as a teacher in a subject of free choice: "men and women in emotional communication." currently carrying my work in sexual drive and reproductive Raspeig San Vicente (Alicante)-ConsellerÃa sanitat-and formed part of a professional association of sexology in Alicante-AFOSEX-developing an agreement with the youth council of the municipality in the center 14, where I see an advice-counseling for youth and conducted workshops. I am excited to investigate and experience everything and hide the body says to heart.
If you visit my blog: www.http.
Luiseguraterapeuta.blogspot.com To find out the association AFOSEX visit the blog: afosex.blogspot.com
3rd Workshop Stream: "the gates of love"
Luis safe
2010-11 Edition "gates of love" is an interdisciplinary work with a purpose therapeutic self-discovery, in what is called personal growth courses. This idea came several years of accumulation of various concerns, training and steps in my personal journey. Repetition of the same workshop monograph had been carrying out since 1999 under various names erotic growth, rebirth of the senses I and II, and experience with other short workshops (5 hours in the 14-center center of Alicante and other youth groups): "Dance-emotion-massage" "cuddle therapy", "kiss-therapy," "hug therapy", "skin Tantra," "sensory massage," "art of seduction", "erotik-therapy." In 2007 I created a 2 nd level residential workshop weekend with the name of "way of meeting" and giving such a course came a frame in which to integrate some basic tools to live life and enjoy on four major cornerstones:
• How do I build my confidence? what prevents me leave me? (Fall)
• Do I cling to fear and why? and build my confidence? (winter)
• How do I deal with me same, with the world and with others? (spring)
• Do you enjoy life? where my attention and I perceive? (Summer)
Do you know that feeling of loneliness that bites the bowels of the soul?, a common feeling in both newly separated persons and in those who are in couples, it is something deeper than simply living with someone or not. Do you often anxiety and discouragement?, do you feel tired and observed diminished will to live?
When I say open the door to love, I do not mean a mere feeling, which, like the waves come and go, it is not obliged to hold passionately, or an attraction than just satisfying.
LOVE in capital letters is "a state of consciousness" in which deep opens and reveals a maturity of the soul that emerges from "needs" and "dependencies" (slavery) and connects with a soft inner state. It is "a state of sustained attention" that wakes up living the present, contemplating the beauty and compassion emerge allowing it embraces.
No age for love, all are suitable to warm the heart and be in communion with life. In addition, all humans can learn and enjoy all offer unexpected parts of grandeur and shadows, and behind every "casual" situation, love lurks.
Open to life and find your keys, your answers, your certainties.
Key-issues I have associated with the future of life in its cyclical seasons, reminding us every year four movements:
• let go (fall) of the useless-TRUST
• Protect (winter) of the harmful-YIELD
• Crearte (spring) from you with others and the world-CREATE
• enjoy you (summer) and life-ENJOY extasiarte
With a format and associated experiential phases, seasons and own life journey, came "the gates of love" having "the body" as magmatic center where to find the certainties, the core, the real center of self, and "5 Senses" as a vehicle to move towards those who longed certainties.
The doors of love is a series of 4 workshops weekend (4 º-summer intensive 4 days) that are organized according to an evolving structure, such as phases of development of nature: drop (fall), rest ( winter) , Growth (spring), full-harvest (summer) and 4 large doors that open to love, love for one / to the same home, nature, others, life as a whole, four-door show you four ways: "Way of sensuality," "path of transformation," "way to meet" and "path of ecstasy." This route is a miracle: the way out of narcissism and the empathic journey to the soul of others, a type of tourism full of grandeur that repairs our narrowness and dissolves the remains of our miseries. Thus we become aware of how we show and how we falsify, to ourselves and face the world and when conscience comes we can play with our masks, to recognize the limitations and find the lost potential, check out the very nature push us to learn to play and laugh of neurosis to get creative and make "our side."
The doors of love can be experienced as an intense and profound therapeutic level, a space for awareness, and is pleasant and liberating, and as a way to interact and share from the authenticity, or as a place of stop and encounter with oneself and also as an opportunity to interact, play and create with others, or simply as a rest and stopover. Like everything else, depends on choice.
is an appropriate space for people already in the therapeutic process and want to deepen the group level through movement and body, for those who want to develop their creativity, looking inward, to who is going through a particular conflict or personal crisis be here to give form, expression, sharing with a group for those who are going through a phase lock in their creative processes, for anyone who is looking to continue learning more and feel a desire to do so from the senses and the relationship with a group.
Like all the work I do, I do out of respect to the process of each, in an accompanying close and sincere, in which there is opportunity to open the unfinished business that needs to be expressed, experienced and accepted, but also taking care to provide proper closure of the processes that are open, so that everyone can organize internally and find the way to develop and bring life experiences to rest his day.
The doors of love is a format that is growing and changing the rate at which I also grow and change, and I will submit for 2010-11 as follows: ________________________________________
2010-11 edition Personal Development Workshops
The doors of love is a seasonal adventure, where each door opens or gives access to the next, a trip-life-and goal-love. A journey of exploration into the search for authentic Self, a map and a toolbox to dive into the endless possibilities of expression of love. A laboratory where you can experience (as Diana Navarro said in his "litany"): • Stroking my sadness
• Balm of my pain
• Power • Lucero
wisdom of my morning
• Health of my illness my
• Spring • Consuelo
joy from my mistakes
• Cup of my reality
• Tower • Pulse
my courage in my heart
• Shout my rebellion
• Wind • Anger
my fantasy of my freedom
• Angel of my loneliness
• My mother, my mare.
The doors of love is also an open space of freedom and play, to create from the joy of life and the permission to be who I am, a meeting place, relationship and group communication, where I find myself and reinvent me in contact with others.
emptiness of not need-bias, self-demanding, fear, ghosts, I can go ..- completing the internal voids (forgotten or denied parts of me) and access my creativity and growth potential of life.
In The Door love working with the union of physical and emotional levels-mental-spiritual attention to the process-experience the emotion as raw material and body work as a tool. Humanistic and interdisciplinary approach encompassing Gestalt techniques, tantra, dance experiential, Arts, Dance, Contact, dance-theater, bioenergetics and meditation. Each module
delve into a "key", linked to a body's energy center or chakra, and with different materials, seeking personal path of each. Workshop
.. Key ... ... ... ... Center (chakra) material way autumn
Trust / neglect under collage of sensuality
Winter Safety / half paint assertiveness
transformation Spring Love / emotional heart of the encounter movement
Summer Creativity / sexuality and sacro-lumbar Laryngeal Clay / Sculpture From Ecstasy
Time and place: they are independent and connected four games developed in an area of \u200b\u200bgreat beauty and quiet (farm "factory of light" in Lezuza-ALBACETE), on weekends. One by season
- Friday from 19 to 22 h
- Saturday from 10 to 15 h. and from 16 to 22h.
- Sunday 10 to 15h. The Summer Intensive will run one or two days.
Workshop Autumn: "way of sensuality" dates: 3,4 and 5 December 2010
Winter Workshop: "Way of Transformation" dates to be determined, in March 2011
(be notified two months in advance).
Spring Workshop: "way of meeting" dates to be announced "in May or June 2011
(be notified two months in advance).
Summer Workshop: "path of bliss" dates to be determined, in August 2011
(be notified two months in advance).
for courses: 100 euros
paid when you reserve a place: in strict order of payment entering 100 euros (before each workshop) in the account no: 0128 0638 18 0100010023 (Bankinter) - before you do consult tel: 619959196 the availability of places. (Note the name of the person who registers to make the deposit)
Discounts: couples, who have done a workshop before, standing / as-consult tel.
IN CONCEPT OF RESIDENCE (payment is made at home): 92 euros (46 per day) 2 days full board (from dinner Friday to Sunday lunch) and workspaces. Sheets are not included.
Note: those who made the four modules, workshops, a discount of 50 euros will be deducted from the reservation fee summer workshop.
The total investment in each workshop will be
• Fall:
• Winter 192 euros: 192 euros
• Spring • Summer
192 euros (4 days): 283 euros
________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION: For registration and information
direct contact with Luis secure, Tel: 619959196
afosexluis@gmail.com Web: www. luiseguraterapeuta.blogspot.com and afosex.blogspot.com
FACILITATOR: Luis Segura. Clinical Psychologist therapist and sexologist formed in Madrid Amezua Efigenio-master specialist in sexology and sex education trainer. I learned a dance theater with Giuseppe Stella, dance and dance-existential stillness with Victor Orive, Elena Sociats family constellations, theater of the senses with the group of the same name in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bClow-cabaret with Lluna Albert, Tantra Francisco towers ARUN Anondubha touch-conscious and Anasha, ATM (anatomy for movement), healing with Carmen pigeon ancestors. I have also learned from Fina Sanz, Javier Alman, and various massage techniques, relaxation and meditation. He taught as associate professor at the University of Alicante in different subjects and now works as a teacher in a subject of free choice: "men and women in emotional communication." currently carrying my work in sexual drive and reproductive Raspeig San Vicente (Alicante)-ConsellerÃa sanitat-and formed part of a professional association of sexology in Alicante-AFOSEX-developing an agreement with the youth council of the municipality in the center 14, where I see an advice-counseling for youth and conducted workshops. I am excited to investigate and experience everything and hide the body says to heart.
If you visit my blog: www.http.
Luiseguraterapeuta.blogspot.com To find out the association AFOSEX visit the blog: afosex.blogspot.com
Saturday, September 18, 2010
What Are Some Good British Appetizers?
You can hear the songs on
Love the way you lie, Eminem and Rihanna.
Club can not handle me Flo rida and David Guetta, song of the band's official Soor Step Up 3D.
Not afraid, Eminem Song award with 2 VMAs.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pokemon Doujinshi Dawn English
Carran carrannn ... ca .... the season at the center 14, Call to pursuing and excited about life and experience, and to whet your appetite ..... FRIDAY SEPT 24 .. "a massage." (5 hours, WAUUUUU) 1st workshop was 10/11, you know if you want to sign in center 14, bring bikini, swimsuit, body lotion, towel ... and eager to cover the skin ... like chocolate ... in a bath of touch. as you know is GRATISSSSS, 19 TO 24 HOURS.
as you know is our intention, and of the association, the show and offer tools for people to feel and live better, especially in personal relationships in acceptance of one / to himself / herself in the experience of the erotic life, and it offers and agreements with the Department of Youth Alicante ayto conducting 14 workshops, 5 hours, spread over the academic year (sept2010-junio2011).
for those who already know us ..... welcome, and for a go ........ not experience life.
then advance you the .....
SCHEDULE FIRST SEMESTER IN CENTRAL 14: (are all at 19 hours in the lounge acts, pray on time, and bring mayerial needed at each workshop must see him in the center web page 14-workshops. Not participate experience who do not bring what is required and who is not timely. the workshops end at 24 hours)
■ 19 NOV. KISS-THERAPY WORKSHOP (family assistance)
■ 10 DEC: TANTRA WORKSHOP OF THE SKIN (family assistance)
Carran carrannn ... ca .... the season at the center 14, Call to pursuing and excited about life and experience, and to whet your appetite ..... FRIDAY SEPT 24 .. "a massage." (5 hours, WAUUUUU) 1st workshop was 10/11, you know if you want to sign in center 14, bring bikini, swimsuit, body lotion, towel ... and eager to cover the skin ... like chocolate ... in a bath of touch. as you know is GRATISSSSS, 19 TO 24 HOURS.
as you know is our intention, and of the association, the show and offer tools for people to feel and live better, especially in personal relationships in acceptance of one / to himself / herself in the experience of the erotic life, and it offers and agreements with the Department of Youth Alicante ayto conducting 14 workshops, 5 hours, spread over the academic year (sept2010-junio2011).
for those who already know us ..... welcome, and for a go ........ not experience life.
then advance you the .....
SCHEDULE FIRST SEMESTER IN CENTRAL 14: (are all at 19 hours in the lounge acts, pray on time, and bring mayerial needed at each workshop must see him in the center web page 14-workshops. Not participate experience who do not bring what is required and who is not timely. the workshops end at 24 hours)
■ 19 NOV. KISS-THERAPY WORKSHOP (family assistance)
■ 10 DEC: TANTRA WORKSHOP OF THE SKIN (family assistance)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hacked Simcard For Sidekick
summer workshop !!!!!!!!
From this forum, thank you for the interest in the workshop on 7 August, and a few days ago that there are no seats, those who are wondering from this space, in September 2010 that will send information on new cycle "the gates of love" 10-11, which will fall workshop, starting in the month Nov 2010 (dates to be confirmed).
good summer and good life, luis
From this forum, thank you for the interest in the workshop on 7 August, and a few days ago that there are no seats, those who are wondering from this space, in September 2010 that will send information on new cycle "the gates of love" 10-11, which will fall workshop, starting in the month Nov 2010 (dates to be confirmed).
good summer and good life, luis
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Removing Login History Facebook
Eminem Music
This post will talk only of music. Listen until you bleed ears!
The last of BOB, in collaboration with Bruno Mars. "Nothin 'On You"
This post will talk only of music. Listen until you bleed ears!
The last of BOB, in collaboration with Bruno Mars. "Nothin 'On You"
Califoria gurls is the latest single from Katy Perry.Quien said gummy bears were sweet ...
Take it off
Ke $ ha Sunday, August 1, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Where Can I Get Those Disneyland Bracelets
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Where Is The Firewall On A Pontiac Sunfire Gt
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Poptropica Memberships Pins
new workshop Lezuza-AUGUST 2010 AND 10
Wellcome to the 4 th cycle of love door workshop "the gates of love." Adjunct information. archive with more memory that you need not have done the above, or have previous experience. well this year (09-10) by way of exception, only perform this workshop. (from Autumn 2010, resumes the cycle).
just want to enjoy an experience of integration and self-discovery.
a different holiday, which indulge and pamper.
a time for living and sharing the natural art that emanates from your body.
feel your body, take care .... and allow MULTIPLE Awaken Your Senses (at 5 known, add other senses, proprioception, intuition, humor, etc.)
COME TO EX-TASI-ART: making life a ART, to live it and enjoy it.
PLEASURE dedicate yourself a few days in the territory quixotic. a beautiful and wild place where you can appreciate the proximity .... and placidity with yourself and enjoy the beauty of the new games .....
AN ADVENTURE FOR YOUR SENSE ..... where time does not matter and it expands and releases the acquired patterns.
through the motion sensitive, self-awareness, knowledge and Co-existence.
days and nights sharing in a friendly nature, good food and company, encounters old and new friends ....
..... enjoy the dance-contact, sensitive massage (mud, chocolate, U, Thai,), songs, rituals in light of the moon ...... AND EXPLORE THE SENSES. See
LIGHT TO CREATE YOUR OWN YOUR OWN ..... ecstasy, and discover the way to implement it in your daily life, and make it a place for EX-Tasi.
devote every day-4-A ONE WAY / ELEMENT: SOIL-WATER-AIR-FIRE; respirators, the dance, they laugh, touch it and then it will rejoice.
FOR: SO FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED IN THE PREVIOUS WORKSHOPS THIS CYCLE AS FOR ANYONE Enjoy the experience for 1st time. for all lovers of growth and expression ... for everyone Walker @.
Guided by: Luis Segura (data in attached doc)
collaborate: Pepi Blanes (fairy wand are your hands) and juanma
(awesome clown)
Held farm "light factory "in the village of Lezuza (ALBACETE). a wonderful place, about 40 kms towards ALBACETE MANZANARES-an oasis in the middle of the spot, surrounded by poplars and pines, through which he passed Don Quixote, and where different cultures, Arabs, Romans and finally locals have been taking advantage of the jump water for different chores: washing wool, wheat milling and create light, hence its name. 40 km from Las Lagunas de RUIDERA, where we will also draw for EX-TASIAS with nature.
For registration and information contact Luis secure directory, Tel: 619959196 or Mail: afosexluis@gmail.com
GENERAL INFORMATION: attached further information throughout the cycle, "the gates of love" or:
Web: www. luiseguraterapeuta.blogspot.com and afosex.blogspot.com
summer workshop: 150 € (ongoing). discounted
attached doc + 135 euros (payable at the house at the beginning of the workshop) in respect of residence-3 days full board-4 days; infusions at rest, and work room. (45 euros / day)
RESERVATION: by order of payment by entering 100 euros in No account we provide you should be interested a-consult tel: 619959196 the availability of places.
Wellcome to the 4 th cycle of love door workshop "the gates of love." Adjunct information. archive with more memory that you need not have done the above, or have previous experience. well this year (09-10) by way of exception, only perform this workshop. (from Autumn 2010, resumes the cycle).
just want to enjoy an experience of integration and self-discovery.
a different holiday, which indulge and pamper.
a time for living and sharing the natural art that emanates from your body.
feel your body, take care .... and allow MULTIPLE Awaken Your Senses (at 5 known, add other senses, proprioception, intuition, humor, etc.)
COME TO EX-TASI-ART: making life a ART, to live it and enjoy it.
PLEASURE dedicate yourself a few days in the territory quixotic. a beautiful and wild place where you can appreciate the proximity .... and placidity with yourself and enjoy the beauty of the new games .....
AN ADVENTURE FOR YOUR SENSE ..... where time does not matter and it expands and releases the acquired patterns.
through the motion sensitive, self-awareness, knowledge and Co-existence.
days and nights sharing in a friendly nature, good food and company, encounters old and new friends ....
..... enjoy the dance-contact, sensitive massage (mud, chocolate, U, Thai,), songs, rituals in light of the moon ...... AND EXPLORE THE SENSES. See
LIGHT TO CREATE YOUR OWN YOUR OWN ..... ecstasy, and discover the way to implement it in your daily life, and make it a place for EX-Tasi.
devote every day-4-A ONE WAY / ELEMENT: SOIL-WATER-AIR-FIRE; respirators, the dance, they laugh, touch it and then it will rejoice.
FOR: SO FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED IN THE PREVIOUS WORKSHOPS THIS CYCLE AS FOR ANYONE Enjoy the experience for 1st time. for all lovers of growth and expression ... for everyone Walker @.
Guided by: Luis Segura (data in attached doc)
collaborate: Pepi Blanes (fairy wand are your hands) and juanma
(awesome clown)
Held farm "light factory "in the village of Lezuza (ALBACETE). a wonderful place, about 40 kms towards ALBACETE MANZANARES-an oasis in the middle of the spot, surrounded by poplars and pines, through which he passed Don Quixote, and where different cultures, Arabs, Romans and finally locals have been taking advantage of the jump water for different chores: washing wool, wheat milling and create light, hence its name. 40 km from Las Lagunas de RUIDERA, where we will also draw for EX-TASIAS with nature.
For registration and information contact Luis secure directory, Tel: 619959196 or Mail: afosexluis@gmail.com
GENERAL INFORMATION: attached further information throughout the cycle, "the gates of love" or:
Web: www. luiseguraterapeuta.blogspot.com and afosex.blogspot.com
summer workshop: 150 € (ongoing). discounted
attached doc + 135 euros (payable at the house at the beginning of the workshop) in respect of residence-3 days full board-4 days; infusions at rest, and work room. (45 euros / day)
RESERVATION: by order of payment by entering 100 euros in No account we provide you should be interested a-consult tel: 619959196 the availability of places.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Pic Of Cervix 3 Days Before Menstrual Cycle
Some people need to do damage to excel and feel powerful and important. They feed their dirty tricks, their black deeds of all kinds are everywhere. people you give your hand and you're not careful about the bite. And worst of all is that they often do not realize the terrible wrong they do to others. And worst of all, you do not realize that they create social complicity destructive, of others and themselves.
That evil is the desire for power, and how easy it is to believe what anyone tells you without even checking it's true what they say. This damages the reputation of individuals. Of those people who are free to decide whether to go or come and they talk or stop talking.
Those people under the pretense of protection and complicity, I lost so thoroughly respect not agree that you are free to choose who direct your smiles.
stupidity is intelligence, the failure of leadership.
Someone fools you once, twice, three times, and yet , each of which eventually wear the shoe that is going to last.
even without sadness I write with the clarity of the heart that sees the reality of their own mistakes. But also with the forthrightness implacable certainty that I'm wrong and rectify.
Woe to those who drink their own gall to spit with a vengeance on the skin of those who claim to be his friends.
That so bitter loneliness awaits!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Badly Swollen Nipples On Dog
Respect: Do not touch me the webos! Today
@ Respect yourself is essential, and that is why I will not write anything important in singles, but I will in my blogs . In those pages is lost all at the first opportunity, and it is with some people who have a tremendous imbalance in terms of attitudes and moods. One day it is who is extremely friendly and the next, you will not know exactly why, let's talk.
Anyway, that fights in the schoolyard and every day I do righter of wrongs and other mundane troubles. I do not touch the webos, I do not want.
@ Respect yourself is essential, and that is why I will not write anything important in singles, but I will in my blogs . In those pages is lost all at the first opportunity, and it is with some people who have a tremendous imbalance in terms of attitudes and moods. One day it is who is extremely friendly and the next, you will not know exactly why, let's talk.
Anyway, that fights in the schoolyard and every day I do righter of wrongs and other mundane troubles. I do not touch the webos, I do not want.
Thick Chunky Green Phlegm
Three friends embark on a trip unintentionally through time, from home to Zaragoza Caesaraugusta from Roman times, what they will face all kinds of dangers to recover and the Holy Grail and other sacred relics with the help of a gladiator. To do so will face humanoid cannibals, dinosaurs, blood elves, witches and creatures of different coat. Together we shall incredible adventures, and meet love with the young people of other ages.
Woman Genital Tattoo Images
Zapatero has launched a dive into the abyss ... Poetry
And now the current president has lost the next election, because he says many people are not going to understand these economic measures, and more, I'm one of those people who do not understand their strategies.
Past elections had voted, but not this time. This time I will vote blank. Neither the one nor the other. Disaster Wthat leaders have in this country. A shortcut incompetent-wage millionaires how the players, and morally slaughter us every day from their seats.
own and others feel ashamed.
government Shame!
And now the current president has lost the next election, because he says many people are not going to understand these economic measures, and more, I'm one of those people who do not understand their strategies.
Past elections had voted, but not this time. This time I will vote blank. Neither the one nor the other. Disaster Wthat leaders have in this country. A shortcut incompetent-wage millionaires how the players, and morally slaughter us every day from their seats.
own and others feel ashamed.
government Shame!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Leather Braclets Disneyland
The Pluja !
L'arc de Sant MartÃ
li has fet the llit
is'ha dormit
com a swam
to Vespra
above thread
the horizon of the sheet.
Flonjos breasts
silver to look
peace in their hands,
reddish hair
when the dawn rises;
slow for a moment the soul
storm and maybe tomorrow
the passions of the heart;
shadow of a princess
encisada by sea
on white candle
or under the almond
spirit and tender light;
be intimate and close
taken without waiting
along the way;
the river makes a pillow.,
marking the silhouette
balandrajant all ...
back ... and forward ...
When he sings the wind
spreads proud
as precious jewel
Clean stone,
lava mountain
tour and a stir
slips out the window,
while waiting for the far
the moonlight.
From nights sleep
regal dels camins
als pins colleret
i so appreciated
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Unlock 3 Digit Combination Lock

is So all you Invite a new edition ng of Fair nice things .... Va m you to be in the Saturday Palermo of April 17 of 16 to 19 hours . in the rest Artemisia, a very warm where they can enjoy dishes and natural beverages and homemade . Van
Articia pair ap the show: Delia, Anita Fernandez and Alvaro with his paintings. Ceramics things Garcia and Juana textiles.
The esperame you ...!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tech Deck Spare Trucks
cry in your own power moon
With tears made drop silk
Making even the mist in the mist
In the solitude of touch curfew,
In the solitude of touch curfew.
The hand that touches suspended,
A half sigh just the kiss,
to moan Moan opens the wound
And the night falls under its own weight,
And the night falls under its own weight.
For each slit, the time back to the houses
like smoke in the solitude of touch curfew
A foreign tongue mutters price
and another language to coin money paid.
Each release his trapeze aerialist
In the solitude of touch curfew,
In the solitude of touch curfew.
With tears made drop silk
Making even the mist in the mist
In the solitude of touch curfew,
In the solitude of touch curfew.
The hand that touches suspended,
A half sigh just the kiss,
to moan Moan opens the wound
And the night falls under its own weight,
And the night falls under its own weight.
For each slit, the time back to the houses
like smoke in the solitude of touch curfew
A foreign tongue mutters price
and another language to coin money paid.
Each release his trapeze aerialist
In the solitude of touch curfew,
In the solitude of touch curfew.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Intitle/i-catrcher Consol-web Monitor
Outside and inside the network Internet social networks
Inside out first and then vice versa, and / or both intertwined and I know I have met with exceptional people sque kept and maintain a wonderful friendship. A most know them personally, but some of these people has been the desire of a hug, in that we already see that never happened, and that may never happen. But that distant race and without gestures stayed behind and remember many times with infinite love. Nono goes for you, if one of those chances you go back and read me, you spend good times and good and bad things were and that complicity and peace and not live, because the truth is that there's everything. Above all I must insist that loyalty was the respect and affection.
In the last year I met several people, not all the same size of 50. There is everything in the vines of Bacchus. And rife with mentally ill people an unhealthy lifestyle based on feedback from their own things they are flushed from the hate and complaining, and can not really make friends why not even friend @ s itself @ s. What do you do? Well fuck pursue every living creature. Nono Remember? The group was called to_el_mundo_es_bueno, milk and cloth the poor around him. And the nonsense they said their moderators. And the wars that rode against his writings, especially were to tell my that I am Catalan. And just so I had between the eyes. Hypocrites to the bars poor. They could feel their land and its people, but if I did the same independence was a foul. What makes seeing the mote in the eye others.
In recent months I have done a couple of friends wrong, they have flattered me in front and behind me have criticized. If all you learn one, even if they want to know. But as a bargaining chip I have found people that understand me like a charm. Hopefully it will be for many years.
(continued ...)
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