Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Leather Braclets Disneyland


L'arc de Sant Martí
li has fet the llit
is'ha dormit
com a swam
to Vespra
above thread
the horizon of the sheet.
Flonjos breasts
silver to look
peace in their hands,
reddish hair
when the dawn rises;
slow for a moment the soul
storm and maybe tomorrow
the passions of the heart;
shadow of a princess
encisada by sea
on white candle
or under the almond
spirit and tender light;
be intimate and close
taken without waiting
along the way;
the river makes a pillow.,
marking the silhouette
balandrajant all ...
back ... and forward ...

When he sings the wind
spreads proud
as precious jewel

Clean stone,
lava mountain
tour and a stir
slips out the window,
while waiting for the far
the moonlight.

From nights sleep
regal dels camins
als pins colleret
i so appreciated

The Pluja !


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